94% Upvoted. Log in or sign up to leave a comment If you go straight to Wakako or enter her place before or together with Takemura the dialogue does not trigger. Only if you let Takemura go way in advance (w BETTER BUCKLE UP - HIDESHI HINO やめろって言ってんだ "Better Buckle Up!" (EDIT) The best Takemura encounter in cyberpunk :) You can find Hideshi Hino show posters in the city with that catchphrase on it. All my homies love Hideshi Hino Better buckle up! Meme Monday. 0 comments.

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874k members in the cyberpunkgame community. Cyberpunk 2077 is a RELEASED "role-playing" video game developed by CD Projekt … Cyberpunk 2077 Hideshi Hino - Better Buckle Up! HQ Kazuliski. 0 comments. share. save. hide.

Reactions: larrackell. larrackell Forum regular #7 Mar 2, 2021.

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Hideshi hino better buckle up

Shinin Shôjo (Hideshi Hino's "Theater of Horror": Dead G Sep 1, 2018 So far probably the scariest film I've seen this month with more heart and melodrama I didn't end up enjoying it much and there are other better movies that cover the same thing.

Hideshi hino better buckle up

"Cyberpunk 2077" fans, rome KAnDA is a real Game Show host though.😎 " Better Buckle Up.MAJIDE!? " >>>>> #Repost @cyberpunk2077.fanpage • • • • • • that Better Buckle Up scene with Hideshi Hino, uhm..
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Hideshi hino better buckle up

It's also an Actor Allusion to how Rome Kanda was in the reality show "I Survived a Japanese Game Show". Interview by Adam Symchuk..

Record Label. Stradoom. Record 31.SEWAGESURFERS / HIDESHI HINO - "NOISE PARTY 0" -2020-12. 24.
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