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Acadiensis: Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region. El Profesor Journal 30 January 2020. Scopus Indexed Journals: Scopus is the number one abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed journals which contains more than 70 Million items like scientific articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, lecture notes, and books. Most of the journals Indexed by Scopus are paid one and very few journals publish the article for free of And just because a journal may have a Scopus logo on their web site, this does not mean they’re indexed in Scopus.
As an author, if you would like to know if your published article will be included in Scopus, we urge you to take note of the following before submitting your work to a journal or conference. Check the title list. Browse sources List of 570 Indian Journals indexed in Scopus Database (Alphabetically arranged by Title of the Journal) On July 29, 2015 Scopus launched an open access (OA) indicator for journals indexed in Scopus. The indicator allows users to easily identify open access journals within Scopus via the ‘Browse Sources’ link. This link provides an alphabetical list of all journals, book series, trade publications and conference proceedings available in Scopus. List of 570 Indian Journals in all fields of knowledge indexed in Scopus Database (Alphabetically arranged by Title of the Journal) Skip to main content no longer supports Internet Explorer.
Select journals that are indexed in Web of Science or Scopus. If possible Check if the journal is part of the Norwegian List. If the journal is not indexed in one of the larger citation databases, see what other databases that index the journal.
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Scopus covers nearly 36,377 titles (22,794 active titles and 13,583 inactive titles) from approximately 11,678 publishers, of which 34,346 are peer-reviewed journals in top-level subject fields: life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences, and health sciences. 2021-04-13 · List of Scopus Index Journals August 2020 (New) Scopus is a source-neutral abstract and citation database curated by independent subject matter experts. It places powerful discovery and analytics 473 - 1469-493x - 7.890 - cochrane database of systematic reviews 474 - 0021-9517 - 7.888 - journal of catalysis 475 - 0161-5505 - 7.887 - journal of nuclear medicine 476 - 1053-2498 - 7.865 - journal of heart and lung transplantation 477 - 0013-936x - 7.864 - environmental science & technology 478 - 1040-8398 - 7.862 - critical reviews in food science and nutrition Scopus Indexed Journals : Scopus is the number one abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed journals which contains more than 70 Million items like scientific articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, lecture notes, and books. Scopus is Elsevier’s abstract and citation database launched in 2004. Scopus covers nearly 36,377 titles (22,794 active titles and 13,583 inactive titles) from approximately 11,678 publishers, of which 34,346 are peer-reviewed journals in top-level subject fields: life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences and health sciences. Scopus journal list You have opened the general section of journals included in the international abstract database, Scopus. If you are an author of some scientific publications, you can choose a journal from the Scopus list through the following ways: The Journal Title List includes free journal content that are available for linking from Scopus.
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Checking journal indexing in ScopusScopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conferenc
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